Adam K Dean

Posts tagged with bash

Set cwd to script directory

Published 22 January 2020 in archive with tags linux , bash , shell Perhaps this will be the smallest snippet I've ever posted, and yet, one of the most useful. If you have a script that you want to be able to invoke from anywhere and yet not worry about relative paths, use this. Continue reading …

SCP between two hosts with non-standard ports

Published 17 January 2020 in archive with tags scp , bash , bsd , snippet Originally posted on January 10th, 2020 (more info) Continue reading …

Reclaim your inodes by deleting dangling docker volumes

Published 8 September 2015 in archive with tags docker , linux , bash Note: these days, you can simply use docker volume prune, but this is being posted for posterity. This was an issue which caused lots of problems back in 2015, and determining ways of managing inode usage helped a number of platforms including Shopify, who took containerisation to a new level. Continue reading …

Shell settings for safer scripts

Published 5 April 2015 in archive with tags shell , bash , linux I was just reading through one of Progrium's scripts when I came across set -eo pipefail at the beginning of a script. Having not seen that before, I decided to Google. This is the result of that. Continue reading …

Using another private key with git

Published 5 August 2014 in archive with tags osx , bash , ssh , git It's quite normal to have different private keys for different git servers, but how do you provide a different identity file like you do with SSH? Continue reading …

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